November 14, 2014

Bird imitates R2D2

We taught Bluey the budgie how to do R2-D2 and now he drives us crazy! He has two other budgies in his cage, and I think he's driving them crazy too!
Bluey was our first budgie and our seven-year old daughter hand-raised him. He has always been a curious bird, he was really intrigued by our voices and the cockatoos we have in our garden - he even copied the noise the crested pigeons make when they take off. We played R2D2 sounds off Youtube to him four or five times and a few days later our daughter came running in saying he was doing R2D2. We were blown away that he picked it up so quickly! The other budgies in his cage started copying him but could only manage a few seconds at a time. Bluey also loves making lazer sounds, the R2D2 scream sound, kissing sounds, and he whispers English jibberish we can only make out a few words.