Inspired by Pharrell William's International "Happy" Hit! Lot's of dogs and a cat playing at the beach. Consider subscribing to CATMANTOO:
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Story behind this video:
After a dog graduates my off leash program, I'll offer a "doggy outing" service where I pick up the dogs (usually between 8-12 dogs), take them to dog beaches or other dog friendly places, let them play together, while continuing to practice the training they've learned. I'll rinse off any sand, trim their nails (if needed), then take them home. 2 1/2 year old Didga, aka 'The famous skateboarding cat', who I adopted from the shelter at 13 weeks old has been joining us on the outings her whole life. Especially being a part of the group photos or videos I make. A GoPro camera was used for all the shots for this "Happy" video.
When I'm not on the group outings, Didga still joins me everywhere and loves riding in the car, at times she is very "dog like" sticking her head out the window as we drive down the road, to riding on my stand-up paddle board or enjoying a little swim, Most cats don't like being in water, BUT when she was young she didn't react negatively to water, so I took on the HUGE challenge of conditioning her even further, through a positive method of 'desensitising' to not mind being in water. FYI - it was months and months of patience and dedication to achieve what you see in the video. I'm a professional animal trainer so PLEASE don't try getting your cat to swim at home.
Even though I don't make any money directly from this video because I used the "Happy" song, I couldn't think of any other song that goes so perfectly with the - HAPPY DOGS!"
Thanks for the Likes, comments (I read them), shares and SUBSCRIBING. Check out my other videos, (6+ million views) I'm just getting started, so more videos on the way.
Thanks, Robert And Didga
Facebook - CATMANTOO and Malibu Dog Training
Twitter - Malibu Dog Trainr
Instagram - catmantoo_youtube
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